Bergen – Laksevåg
Bergen – Fyllingsdalen
Bergen – Fana
Bergen – Landås
Bergen – Laksevåg
Distance: 11 km
Estimated time: 5o min
Type of road: Busy road, bicycle path
Intersections and Junctions:
Dokkeveien, Kringsjåveien, Gravdalsveien. Follow Gravdalsveien to the end and then continue on the bicycle path
Bergen – Fyllingsdalen
Distance: 5,4 km
Estimated time: 35 min
Type of road: Busy road, bicycle path
Intersections and Junctions:
Dokkeveien, Skogslien, Løvstakkveien. At the end of Løvstakkveien you start the bicycle path next to Danmarksplass.
Bergen – Fana
Distance: 18 km
Estimated time: 6o min
Type of road: Busy road
Intersections and Junctions:
Lars Hillesgate- Fjøsangerveien- Gamlehaugveien- Paradisstranden- Troldhaugveien- Landhaugveien- Skjoldstølen- Bjørnevegen- Fanaveien
Bergen – Landås
Distance: 4, 9 km
Estimated time: 20 min
Type of road: Busy road
Intersections and Junctions:
Lars Hillesgate/Nygårdsgate-
Ibsensgate- Haukelandsveien- Nattlandsveien- Landsåssvingen- Landsåsveien.